Emanuell Cambow of Jamestown, VA

Here is what we know about Emanuell Cambow based on the book “Free African Americans of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland and Delaware” by Paul Heinegg.

1.    Emanuell1 Cambow, “Negro,” was granted a patent for 50 acres in James City County on 18 April 1667 [Patents 6:39]. He may have been the “Mulata named Manuel” who was adjudged to be a Christian servant by the Virginia Assembly in September 1644. He was ordered to serve as other Christian servants and freed in September 1665 [VMHB XVII:232]. He was probably the father of

2     i. Richard1, born say 1667.


The book Free African Americans can be found online at: http://www.freeafricanamericans.com


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